About America Rebooted

The America Rebooted Deprogram Your Mind Learning Series videos, podcasts, and blog posts focus on helping you increase your awareness of the behaviors and thought processes that hold you back as an individual and collectively as a society. Specifically, I focus on how you can:

  • Grieve and heal together by thinking critically

  • Prime your mind for critical thinking

  • Understand how the emphasis on Acceptable Views and Unacceptable Views contradicts the messaging of Diversity and Inclusion taught in organizations across the globe

  • Identify the Mental Shortcuts that have been programmed in your mind that impact how you view the world

  • Develop self-awareness, so you can manage your innate Cognitive Biases that impact your judgements and decisions about the world

  • Recognize Psychological Manipulation Tactics so you can stop their negative impacts in their tracks

  • Detect Logical Fallacies that skew your thinking and understanding of the world

  • Conduct Deprogramming Dissections to break apart propaganda and narratives that are intended to keep you weak, broken and divided from others.

About Dr. Deprogram

I am a former liberal turned bleeding heart conservative and fighter for freedom, faith, and family values. My “Why” is to help deprogram people from the beliefs that have been infused in our minds that keep us weak, divided, broken, and not truly thinking for ourselves.

I hold a Ph.D. in Organizational Consulting Psychology and have spent the last 20 years as a Leadership Development expert in a variety of roles and organizations. I recently walked away from a role I enjoyed, a leader I loved, and team I admired at <TERRIBLE ACADEMIC INSTITUTION>, where I was the expert in developing learning solutions for their global clients. My life’s mission is to be a breaker of belief systems and advocate for freedom of the mind.

I launched the America Rebooted Podcast in February 2022 where I take foundational concepts in psychology, neuroscience and leadership development and apply them to our crazy divided world. Always with an emphasis on how we can unite, heal, forgive, and love one another, I help you “Deprogram Your Mind” from a lifetime of psychological manipulation that most of us were unaware of until recent years. I am expanding the podcasts to develop the Deprogram Your Mind Learning Series which will include shorter burst learning videos to: Inform, Learn, Dissect and Take Action on the concepts covered.

It was the discovery of the Charlottesville lie back in 2018 that put me on a path to questioning everything and removing the veil of deception that had clouded my judgement. That was the moment when all things changed, and I knew she could no longer stay silent. And while learning about the mental prisons built around our minds designed to keep us weak and divided has been disheartening, such awareness has put me on this path to pursuing her calling which is to wake people up so they can truly be free.